Public Relations Experience

During my undergraduate time at Auburn Univeristy I focused my studies on Public Relations, finding particular interest in the subfields of persuasion, crisis management, and brand awarness. There was something about building a brand from the ground up that I could not get enough of! I found a sincere love for aesthetic purposes both in my experience with sales for the custom apparel company University Tees, and my extensive work with the radio stations of Auburn and the surrounding Opelika area.

to find out more about my past work experience, click the logos!

WEGL Marketing Director

S U M M E R • I N T E R N

Tiger Communications

WEGL Marketing Director

M A R K E T I N G • D I R E C T O R

WEGL Radio

University Tees Logo

C A M P U S • M A N A G E R

University Tees


M E D I A • I N T E R N


Janine Brown

G R A S S R O O T S • C A M P A I G N E R

Janine Brown’s Campaign for GA State House Reprsentative