Writing Examples

Tiger Communications

This semester I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a course called Magazine and Feature writing. Our main project for the semester was to write a “place article”, which meant it was a story that had to use all five senses to put the reader in the moment with you. I wrote about a local company called Tiger Communications. They oversee four of Auburn’s local radio stations and I wrote about the radio station they work out of. I had to interview three individual people for this story and this project has expanded my writing skills exponentially.

To read my Article CLICK HERE

News Release

In another class I took this semester, Multimedia Writing, I learned how to write standard News Releases, Media Advisories, Feature Releases and Backgrounders. These are all formats that a well-rounded public relations practitioner must know in order to be successful in the field, so I’m thankful for the skills I’ve acquired.

To read my Newsletter CLICK HERE

Social Media Audit

My favorite class that I’ve taken here at Auburn is Social Media for Public Relations. The skills I’ve gained in this class can’t even be put into words. I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge on how to tailor messages across different social media platforms and how to accurately pinpoint your niche in the market. For our final project we were assigned to do a Social Media Audit on a brand that we’re interested in. I chose Adult Swim, and loved every moment of it.

To read my Audit Report CLICK HERE
To see my killer Powerpoint Presentation CLICK HERE

Nonprofit Research Report

This semester I was enrolled in a class called Survey Research Methods, and throughout the entire course we worked in groups of four students on respective research projects. During this project we preformed secondary research, conducted a focus group interview and received over 200 responses on our survey. My group focussed on researching the opinions held by college students towards nonprofit organizations and better tactics on how these businesses can better reach their target audience.

To read my Report CLICK HERE


For two of my undergraduate years I was the Secretary AND Treasurer of the Italian Club on campus. During my term I created a monthly newsletter to keep the wide alumni and student audience updated on the upcoming events and club news.
To read my Newsletter CLICK HERE


During my Sophomore year here at Auburn I took a very interesting class called American Foreign Policy. For our final project we were instructed to write a Memorandum from the P.O.V. of an American Ambassador for a foreign country. I was assigned the country Latvia and this is my final product. This project taught me how to write in a professional and governmental setting as well as APA style.

To read my Memo CLICK HERE