
Identity/Branding Suite

Here are the fruits of all my labor over the semester. This Identity Suite means so much to me because I created every element in it. I designed the logo, the letterhead, the business card and the envelope. Each one has elements that contribute to my overall brand. It focuses on three colors and lots of line work that emulate retro vibes. During this project I learned how to use Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, which will all be incredibly helpful in my future endeavors.

Poster Project

During this project we were instructed to create a poster design for Auburn Student Firefighters. This project allowed me to use my soft skills to create a professional-grade poster. It also helped me begin to master the Adobe Suite Applications.

Canva Designs

Here are all of the designs that I've created during this semester in PRCM 4020, Style and Design. During this project I learned how to utilize, an online graphic design program. This is a very tangible skill that I will bring with me into the workforce.